type of women's undergarment, a slip

BEEFtype of meat
CHOPpink slip
AGAMAtype of lizard
AGATEtype of gemstone
ERRORslip, lapse
HIJABveil worn by Muslim women
LAPSEslip, fault
SKINKtype of lizard
SLOOPtype of sailing ship
BALLOTvoting slip
BIKINItwo piece women's swimwear
THINKOlapse, slip
BLUNDERslip, fumble
CLIPPERtype of sailing ship
MISTAKEerror, slip
CULVERINtype of artillery
CONFIDANTEtype of sofa
DEFAMATIONtype of crime
MASCARPONEtype of Italian cheese
RIOJAtype of wine
SERGEtype of worsted cloth