type of tree nut

BEEFtype of meat
KOOKnut, screwball
LOAFnut, noddle
ACORNnut of the oak tree
AGAMAtype of lizard
AGATEtype of gemstone
BOUGHfirm branch of a tree
CEDARconiferous tree
CRAZYnut case
GREENtree hugger
HAZELdeciduous tree
MANGOtropical Asian fruit tree
MAPLEdeciduous tree
SKINKtype of lizard
BRANCHpart of a tree
CLIPPERtype of sailing ship
CULVERINtype of artillery
CONFIDANTEtype of sofa
DEFAMATIONtype of crime
MASCARPONEtype of Italian cheese
MOLARtype of tooth
BOILINGtype of vaporization