tool for chopping

HOEgardener's tool
SAWcarpenter's tool
GEARappliance, tool
NAILcarpenter's tool
RAKEgardener's tool
SPURmetal tool used in horsemanship
BROOMcleaning tool
CLAMPcarpenter's tool
DRILLtool for boring holes
KNIFEtool with a cutting edge or blade
TROWELgardener's tool
BELLOWStool for blowing air
CALIPERcarpenter's tool
LOPPERSgardener's tool
PINCERScarpenter's tool
IMPLEMENTtool or instrument for working with
PITCHFORKgardener's tool
CULTIVATORgardener's tool
WHEELBARROWgardener's tool
DRILLtool for boring holes
SPADEtool for digging