thing which can have only two values

CARTvehicle with two wheels
MOONonly natural satellite of Earth
BLENDmixture of two or more things
BROTHWater in which food has been boiled
CHESStwo-player board game
SLAINThose who have been killed
SLICEThat which is thin and broad
SLOTHthree-toed or two-toed
BICEPSmuscle having two heads
BIKINItwo piece women's swimwear
EXTENTrange of values or locations
SECONDhe is number two
BICYCLEpedal-driven two-wheel vehicle
GRENADEsmall bomb that can be thrown by hand
LIBERTYability of individuals to have agency
PAIRINGThe combination or union of two things
FORTNIGHTtwo weeks
SUBMARINEboat that can go underwater
CONFLUENCEmeeting of two or more bodies of water
TOYthing to be played with