sudden snatch at something

TUGsudden powerful pull
BANGsudden percussive noise
GASPshort, sudden intake of breath
ROCKPicnic at Hanging ...
SLAMsudden impact or blow
CATCHsnatch, capture
ENEMYat the Gates (film)
GATESEnemy at the ... (film)
HEARTWild at ... (film)
HITCHsudden pull
LUNCHmeal, usually served at midday
LURCHsudden or unsteady movement
NIGHT... at the Museum (film)
OPERAA Night at the ... (film)
PANICsudden sensation of fear
PLUMPThe sound of a sudden heavy fall
SHOCKSudden, heavy impact
SPASMsudden contraction
ATTEMPTThe action of trying at something
WALKOUTsudden stoppage of work
PANICsudden sensation of fear
WALKOUTsudden stoppage of work