solemn promise to do something

VOWpromise or oath
WAYTo do with a place or places
DEEDtruth, derring-do
FORMTo do with shape
LOVE... Me Do, song of the Beatles
SEATSomething to be sat upon
PARTYdo, bash
SHAPEThe status or condition of something
TOWELcloth which is used to dry something
TRICKSomething designed to fool or swindle
TRUTHdeed, derring-do
GRATERtool to grind something
MASCOTsomething thought to bring good luck
SEARCHattempt to find something
MISSILEair-to-air or air-to-ground
EFFICACYable to finish something satisfactorly
PROBABLESomething that it likely to occur
RELUCTANCEUnwillingness to do something
BENEVOLENCEDisposition to do good
MERCENARYsoldier who fights for hire