sequence of events

ROWsequence, series
LINErow, sequence
AGAMAtype of lizard
AGATEtype of gemstone
BRASSalloy of copper and zinc
COUNTof Monte Cristo
ERATOone of the muses
ESSEXpart of England
ETHERclass of organic compounds
LOTTOgame of chance similar to bingo
ORDERArrangement, sequence
POWERsolar or of will
PRIDEone of the seven deadly sins
SKINKtype of lizard
DESTINYpredetermined course of events
HISTORYpast events and their record
STADIUMvenue where sporting events are held
ORDERINGArrangement in a sequence
NARRATIVEaccount that presents connected events
SUCCESSIONact of following in sequence
GRAVEsepulchre, crypt
ROWsequence, series