piece of music for one performer

SIXone of digits
MODEOne of Greek scales
ACTORplayer, performer
AGENTperformer, actor
CHAIRpiece of furniture for sitting on
CLOWNcomic performer
COUCHpiece of furniture
EMBERglowing piece of coal or wood
ERATOone of the muses
PRIDEone of the seven deadly sins
SQUAREone of polygons
FIDDLERone of musicians
SURGEONone of physicians
CAPUCHINone of monkeys
SYMPHONYform of classical music
AZERBAIJANIone of Asians
BANGLADESHIone of Asians
CLARINETISTone of musicians
HANDKERCHIEFpiece of cloth for personal use
CHAIRpiece of furniture for sitting on
MOLEpier, mound