person without religious affiliation

MONKreligious occupation
RITEreligious custom
ABBOTreligious title
CAUSERebel Without a ... (film)
FREAKunusual person
MOGULrich or powerful person
REBELWithout a Cause (film)
SNAKEwiggling animal without legs
SOFTYweak or sentimental person
SWAMIHindu religious teacher
TITHEreligious donation
OFFICEreligious service
CONVENTreligious community
HOLIDAYreligious or national
VAGRANTperson without a home
ETERNITYExistence without end, infinite time
ADORATIONact of religious worship
AYATOLLAHreligious leader in Twelver Shi'ism
CATECHISMreligious exposition
HALLELUJAHreligious song
VAGRANTperson without a home
OATHpersonal affirmation of a statement