prepares and sells meat

BEEFmeat from cattle
BEERslaughterhouse - meat, brewery - ?
COALslaughterhouse - meat, mine - ?
COOKprepares food for a living
FOODmeat, sustenance
MINEmeat - slaughterhouse, coal - ?
PORKmeat from a pig
VEALmeat of young cattle
WOODslaughterhouse - meat, sawmill - ?
BACONcured meat from a pig
JERKYlean meat preparation
MINCEFinely chopped meat
DRAPEROne who sells cloths
BREWERYbusiness that makes and sells beer
VENISONmeat from deer
CHANDLERmakes or sells candles
PASTRAMImeat product
SCHNITZELbreaded, fried flat piece of meat
GREENGROCERshop which sells fruits and vegetables
SLAUGHTERHOUSEwood - sawmill, meat - ?
FIXATIONpreoccupation, obsession
COOKprepares food for a living