man of a higher rank or position

RAYbeam of light or radiation
DARKcomplete or partial absence of light
RATEof interest or fertility
SPOTpoint, position
POINTspot, position
POWERsolar or of will
ADDICTof caffeine or cocaine
COLUMNvertebral or of newspaper
ACADEMYinstitution of higher learning
DISCORDLack of concord, agreement or harmony
TASTINGsmall amount of food or drink
VACANCYunoccupied position or job
PRESSUREatmospheric or of blood
SUPERIORperson of higher rank or quality
ATTRIBUTEcharacteristic or quality of a thing
FOREFRONTThe leading position or edge
PROMOTIONadvancement in rank or position
SMUGGLINGillegal movement of goods or people
LINEBACKERdefensive position in American football
QUARTERBACKposition in gridiron football
CANALman-made channel for water
ADVENTURERman of action