low spectrum of sound tones

BELLsound-making device
COLDcondition of low temperature
MAARlow-relief volcanic crater
WAVEsine or sound
AUDIOsound, or a sound signal
BLAREloud sound
CROAKharsh sound
IDIOTof low intelligence
MUSICart using sound
PLONKThe sound of something solid landing
PLUMPThe sound of a sudden heavy fall
QUACKThe sound made by a duck
SONARtechnique that uses sound propagation
WHACKThe sound of a heavy strike
DRUDGEworks in a low servile job
LUMBAGOlow back pain
PARAPETlow retaining wall
WHIMPERlow intermittent sob
GROWLINGlow, guttural vocalization
PARAPETlow retaining wall
FOREARMlower arm