heavy stepping

HOMEmotor or detention
HUFFheavy breath
MICKJagger of The Rolling Stones
TANKheavy armored
MOTORdiesel or stepping
PLUMPThe sound of a sudden heavy fall
SHOCKSudden, heavy impact
WHACKThe sound of a heavy strike
BURDENheavy load
CANVASheavy-duty fabric
JAGGERMick of The Rolling Stones
WALLOPheavy blow, punch
MINIBUSpassenger carrying motor vehicle
VEHICLEamphibious or motor
DOWNPOURheavy rain
RICHARDSKeith of The Rolling Stones
WHITEOUTheavy snowstorm
BATTERINGheavy beating
CARDBOARDheavy-duty paper of various strengths
DEUTERIUMheavy hydrogen
WHITEOUTheavy snowstorm
WEEKhebdomad, sennight