four-wheeled cart for hauling loads

LUGhauling or dragging
QUADFour shots of espresso
BUGGYsmall horse-drawn cart
COVERfor manhole or of clouds
DRESSfor wedding or evening
ETHOSGreek word for "character"
FRAMEfor picture or time
GODOTWaiting for ... (Beckett)
GUILTResponsibility for wrongdoing
HERTZSI unit for frequency
LEASHfor dogs and other animals
PAPERin toilet or for wrapping
SHIRTgarment for the upper body
BUTANEalkane with four carbon atoms
NIBBLEgroup of four bits
UNICYCLEone-wheeled mode of transportation
RECTANGLEquadrilateral with four right angles
SEMIFINALlast four
TESSERACTfour-dimensional analog of the cube
QUADFour shots of espresso
SERIESFourier or geometric