flat and treeless Arctic biome

ARKlarge box with a flat lid
TACKsmall nail with a flat head
ZONEArctic or Temperate
BERETflat-topped cap
LOGICstudy of inference and demonstration
PEACEWar and ... (Tolstoy)
PIETYReverence and devotion to God
PLANElevel or flat surface
PRIDE... and Prejudice
QUESTplot device in mythology and fiction
ROMEO... and Juliet
SADHUkama, artha and even dharma
SHOUTTwist and ..., song of the Beatles
SLICEThat which is thin and broad
SLUSHmixture of snow and liquid water
WAFERthin, flat cookie
LASAGNAflat sheet of pasta
MONKEYSArctic ..., rock band
SCHNITZELbreaded, fried flat piece of meat
LASAGNAflat sheet of pasta