feeling of fear and reverence

JOYfeeling of happiness
PAINunpleasant feeling
BRASSalloy of copper and zinc
PANICsudden sensation of fear
PIETYReverence and devotion to God
SLICEThat which is thin and broad
SLUSHmixture of snow and liquid water
WORRYstrong feeling of anxiety
DISMAYhorror, fear
HORRORfear, alarm
PHOBIAirrational or obsessive fear
EMOTIONsadness or fear
AMBIANCEatmosphere, feeling
BOLDNESSopposite of fear
AFFECTIONfeeling of love
ADMIRATIONreverence, appreciation
ATMOSPHEREfeeling, mood
UNHAPPINESSThe feeling of not being happy
CLAUSTROPHOBIAThe fear of closed, tight places
ATMOSPHEREfeeling, mood
JOYfeeling of happiness