distinct physical object

BODYPhysical frame
CASHphysical money
KRISIndonesian Mythical object
MINTaim, object
RINGsolid object in the shape of a circle
SEATobject for sitting on
GLOBEspherical object
MONEYobject or record accepted as payment
PIXELphysical point in a raster image
SMACKdistinct flavor
STUNTunusual and difficult physical feat
MOVEMENTPhysical motion
PARADIGMdistinct concepts or thought patterns
CLIPBOARDphysical object for holding paperwork
CURVATUREphysical quantity
MAGNETISMclass of physical phenomena
SLAPSTICKphysical comedy
SUBSTANCEPhysical matter
STRETCHINGForm of physical exercise
INCLINATIONphysical tilt or bend
SMACKdistinct flavor