device that has a helical function

PINfastening device
BELLsound-making device
BUOYfloating device
SINEtrigonometric function
BROTHWater in which food has been boiled
LASERoptical device
MATCHdevice for lighting fires
METERdevice that measures things
OFFERproposal that has been made
QUESTplot device in mythology and fiction
THIEFhas carries out a theft
WIDOWwoman whose spouse has died
COSINEtrigonometric function
FUMBLEball etc. that has been dropped
FUTUREtime which has yet to occur
OBJECTthat has
EMBASSYThe function or duty of an ambassador
FUNERALceremony for a person who has died
THROWERhas grenade or discus
OPERATIONfunction, transformation
EQUIPMENTdevice, gadget
METERdevice that measures things