crack or opening, as in a rock

EWEfemale sheep, as opposed to a ram
GAPopening, hole
PETanimal kept as a companion
DOLEMoney or other goods given as charity
HOLEopening in the surface of an object
JESTcrack, joke
POREtiny opening in the skin
SLITnarrow cut or opening
CURVEgentle bend, such as in a road
MONEYobject or record accepted as payment
SPLITcrack or longitudinal fissure
BANTERjest, crack
WINDOWtransparent or translucent opening
DECIMALnumeral system with ten as its base
NURSINGsuckling, such as breastfeeding
PEEPHOLEglass opening in door
GREENWOODforest in full leaf, as in summer
PROMOTIONadvancement in rank or position
SPLITcrack or longitudinal fissure
JESTcrack, prank