brief, unspecified amount of time

TADsmall amount
GULPThe usual amount swallowed
TIMEBrief History of ... (Hawking)
ZONEdemilitarized or time
FRAMEfor picture or time
METERtime - second, distance - ?
MONTHunit of time dividing the year
RUMBA4 time
USAGEThe manner or the amount of using
FLURRYlight, brief snowfall
GLANCEbrief or cursory look
MYRIADincalculable amount
PLENTYmore-than-adequate amount
REFUNDamount of money returned
SHOWERbrief fall of precipitation
BREVITYThe quality of being brief in duration
GLIMPSEbrief look
HISTORYBrief of Time (S.W. Hawking)
TASTINGsmall amount of food or drink
GLANCEbrief or cursory look