Spanish or swine disease

ROTdisease, illness
STYpen or enclosure for swine
EBOLAviral disease
HACIENDASpanish word for an estate
DYSPEPSIAHuman disease
HEPATITISviral disease
INFIRMITYsickness, disease
INFLUENZAviral disease
PATHOLOGYstudy and diagnosis of disease
PSORIASISHuman disease
TULAREMIAbacterial disease
BRONCHITISlower respiratory disease
DIPHTHERIAInfectious disease
MENINGITISbacterial disease
RHEUMATISMHuman disease
BRUCELLOSISbacterial disease
LISTERIOSISbacterial disease
TUBERCULOSISbacterial disease
SALMONELLOSISbacterial disease
BEGGARspanger, mendicant
HACIENDASpanish word for an estate