Anakin from "Star Wars"

HANSolo from "Star Wars"
RENKylo from "Star Wars"
SUNour star
KYLORen from "Star Wars"
LEIAOrgana from "Star Wars"
SOLOHan from "Star Wars"
YODAcharacter from "Star Wars"
GUANODung from a sea bird or from a bat
JABBAthe Hutt from "Star Wars"
LEMURanimal from Madagascar
LINENtextile made from spun flax fiber
PARIScharacter from the Iliad
PERRYalcoholic beverage made from pears
PLUTOdog from cartoon movies
PORKYPig from cartoon movies
PRIAMcharacter from the Iliad
RINGOStarr from The Beatles
METEORshooting star or falling star
ORGANALeia from "Star Wars"
CHEWBACCAcharacter from "Star Wars"
DUCKSAnaheim, NHL team
SKYWALKERAnakin or Luke